Thursday, August 20, 2009

While I began this week thinking that this week and next could be nice and calm before vacation, they turned out to be anything but. Katie made brunch on Sunday, but mid way through the day started feeling really terrible. Not hungry, achy all over....and those of us who have had malaria know what those symptoms mean. Unfortunately for her, this would be the 5th time she's had malaria since March. Sister Jane surprised us Sunday night with a visit from Nairobi and she determined that Katie needed to see a specialist rather than going to Malava hospital. So Jane took her to St. Elizabeth's in Mukumu, run by the Sisters of Mary. B/c she seemed to be having such a tough time getting rid of this nasty little parasite, they decided to admit her and give her a two day quinine drip to see if that would kick it once and for all. So Jane brought her back to Malava to get some overnight things, picks me up for moral support and we stayed with her until she got settled. Tuesday I drove Tom and Michael down to visit her, and despite everything, she seemed pretty up beat. While the hospital certainly isn't what you think of when you think of a hospital at home, it was clean and everyone was friendly. After getting a clean bill of health on Wed. I took Katie home. She seems to be doing ok.
Last weekend Angela's son Gracious turned two and not only did we attend the birthday party, we also got to help with the prep work. I went over with Tom and Michael in the morning b/c they wanted to learn how a chicken is killed and prepared for a meal. Angela let each of them kill a chicken (there are pictures of this and from the party on Tom's blog...I forgot my camera). I did not take part in killing the chickens, but I documented it on Tom's camera for posterity. Michael also threw one of the chicken heads at me, but luckily he has terrible aim and it missed. The party was a great success, even if Gracious did cry through most of it. We had an excellent meal and great company.
We head to Nairobi a week from tomorrow for our August retreat and a little vacation. I'm taking my GREs while we're there and the novice, Lucy, will take her first vows on Sept. 5th. Both Katie and Tom have family coming into town while we're there and it will be really nice to have our first American visitors!
Speaking of American visitors, Kate has finally bought her plane ticket! My sister will be joining me here in Kenya on December 9th for a whirlwind vacation before I return with her to the states on December 17th.


Anonymous said...

i like your blog. straight and simple.

Anonymous said...

I sounds like you're having an amazing experience in Africa. I was in Zaire years ago and loved it.

Recently I had a chicken killing lesson of my own. I'm an expat American city boy in rural New Zealand and learning heaps. Killing a chicken is never a pretty thing to see!