Monday, April 6, 2009

African weddings

Well it might be a while before I have a chance to post again. We're leaving on Wed. for a little vacation to the Indian Ocean and we won't be back in Malava until April 20th. We'll be at the beach for a few days and then we're all going to be in Nairobi for the weekend of the 18th for a retreat with Sr. Jane. It's amazing that our time here is now more than a quarter over, I feel like I just left.

Well last week was pretty slow but there are some fun things to catch up on. Jean and I headed to Kisumu just for the day on Friday to indulge ourselves in a little bit of shopping. It was nice to wander around, have a nice big lunch and get some new clothing. The matatu back took forever and we didn't get back to Malava until after dark. Luckily Sr. Katherine came to our rescue and picked us up at the top of the road so we didn't have to walk in the dark.

Saturday Jean went to the orphanage to play with the kids, but Michael, Tom and myself went to a Kenyan wedding. David, one of the therapists from the center invited us so Nancy (who also works at the center) came to pick us up around 10. We got there and waited and waited and waited. We did get a chance to watch them slaughter the chicken we were going to eat after the ceremony. Finally the wedding party arrived around 1:15 and the ceremony started around 2. The processional in was amazing. All the bridesmades and a bunch of younger girls and the groomsman danced all around the room and the bridesmaids made an aisle that the bride walked through. But once all that was over we had a 2 hour sermon to get through by the preacher of their church. We left the hall when we thought the wedding was over, but they were still in there singing and praising while we ate our dinner. We finally had to leave so we could get home before it got too dark. All in all, a learning experience. I think if I ever get married I'm going to make the wedding party dance, it makes it so much more festive.

Sunday was Palm Sunday so I walked to church with Jean. Angela told us there would be a procession from the school behind where the boys live to the church and I was interested in seeing that, but there was none. There was a small reading on the church grounds by the priest and then people went into church. Jean and Michael went to the service while Tom and I hung out at his house. Church was followed by a quick lunch at Honey Drop and then home to clean and get ready for vacation.

Tomorrow I'm going to an orphanage and center for abused children in Kakamega with Sr. Katherine. I'm thinking about working there a few days a week. I love the St. Julie's Center and I enjoy my work there, but I'm looking for something a little more hands on. I'm hoping that this place will be the answer. I'll know more about the arrangement when we get back from the beach.

Also...I forgot to bring my camera to the wedding, so hopefully Tom put some pictures up on his blog.

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