Thursday, October 15, 2009

Water wate everywhere...

I have reached a new level of excited. After a month(to the day) of having no running water at all, I got the heads up from Sr. Katherine today that not only could we use water in the taps, but we could also use high volume things like the shower and flushing to toilet. There are no words to express how happy I am. I have been bathing my self from a bucket of cold (sometimes warm if I wanted to spend the time to boil water before hand) water for 30 days now. I finally get to take a real shower.
I think today is just an example of how crazy different my life is here. I can't remember a day (expect for camping trips) when I did have the option of clean running water. As I exclaimed my excitement at work today about the opportunity for a shower, I realized there are a ton of people here that I see every day who have never taken what I think of as a shower in their whole lives. More over, I know lots of people who have never lived in a home with running water, let alone clean water you can drink right out of the taps. It just makes me think, for the millionth time this year, how much I take for granted at home.

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